its zi-kwon!! its the perfect mixture of one heck of a sexayy boys u-kwon + zico = zi-kwon^^
i love u kwon cuz somehow he looks like gikwang in some ways(abs!!!) (i think im gonna post bout gikwang vs u kwon soon but not now hehe) please wait....<3
i love zico cuz he looks like junhyung as i mentioned in my previous search(since im such a beast biased)
look at them so cute~~~~~~~

this is another one so cute!!sexaayy too,man i love this two^.^

im jealous of zico's eyeliner !!>__<
another biased in bb is p.o!!woah he is the cutest man alive but his voice is like the almighty t.o.p i love seeing him in this two video at youtube^^
daebak san TUKKI itta!!
i love you u-kwon!!!