im gonna start with that friday morning,i woke up quite late,brought the big hard paper and start working on the banner that i wanted to make for kikwang. bought almost everything at my school`s "kedai buku"(stationary store that is located inside the school). i did it infront of my language teacher,english teacher, history teacher and math teacher,they all said that i should change my class to art stream(still thinking bout that>0<).
so this is the end product :
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im not sure if i spelled his name correctly |
after coming back from school, i immediately decide on what i would wear that night and the makeup.
i don`t know how i could waste my time watching dony and deukkie when i should be getting ready,but i snapped out it just in time for me to shower and dress up.i did a blue smokey liner and pale lips,a staple 2ne1 makeup style^^
i brought the board,two of my camera,beast`s lightstick,ticket and 2 cellphones,just in case mine ran out of battery.the road was packed and so jammed!! i broke down inside of my father`s car 2 times cuz it was so worrying that i might not be able to make it in time.fortunately i made it just in time to find my partner who waiting @ sunway piramid.found her and went straight to the entrance but got lost in the middle of sunway piramid.>__< so nerve wrecking!! and when we found the entry,i had to give away 1 of my cameraT>T
stupid uncle,anyway the way to the stage was so far and dark,scary indeed!!but when i reached there it was the most beautiful stage with the most breathtaking background.
see!! so nice right!except for the chairs everything was really cool!!but this is a view in the daylight,the scenery at night was great but i was there only to see BEAST!! us b2uties waited for a while and then......
TA DA~~~ our beast boys appeared!!!
special was the first song they sang and then followed by....wait.....OMA!!! i forgot lol! but most of the song came from their 2nd album to fiction and fact.the most memorable song was the ending performance where they sang i like you the best,everybody was so friigin high and were standing on the chairs!! (i was too!!)
they also had this chat and games along the whole concert, like the first thing they did was talking in malay and us b2uties welcoming them in korean.the only malay word that they knew was about food!lol,
lol how cute was that!!
kekeke adorkable yeopie!!
and then they picked out 6 lucky fans to play games and i!!...was not one of them TT.TT
yoseob was so gentlemanly irritating.why?? cuz he hugged the girl 4 times!!my eyes ware burning with envy!!
but my kiki bear behaved like a true man lol.he was so cutely shy!!hihi and then juhyung had to pose with the fan a love shaped pose,poor him.he must be thinking of hara when he did it...hmm i acted naughtily when i join other b2uties to scream goo hara when he did the pose^^ don`t worry oppa,we all support u!!
when they finished singing,200++ fans who had the hitouch passes were lining up to go meet the beast and hitouch them!!!i purely truly envy them(=.=).it was a closed event so i went out to see my parents when i realized that i left the camera at the managements table.i and my father walked round n round all cuz we were lost and can`t find the sunway lagoon`s main father was furious!!=.=; i really pissed him off!
i think both of us walked about..4 to 6 km far just to find the entrance!!people,sunway lagoon is very very big!!when we found the entrance,we realized that the entrance we came in and the exit was actually really really far.when i actually did reach home i was beyond exhausted but somehow i managed to find the strength to run a mini marathon i am as lazy as a hippo!! it was a bitter sweet experience!! and im sure i won`t be able to forget any time soon.
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